
Improve Your Sense and Receive Path Functions

Learn how your brain feel things. This is a self-help strategy you use to learn how your brain, body, and sense events work to send and receive messages. Like when you feel as if, you don’t understand how to think a problem through. This can be like trying to think before you feel the way things are. This is why you look at the body to gather a sense of feel for your brain. In short, the brain is inside your body to work through your sense of feel for self to live. You may do this work, to feel your way through feelings of emotion, to think through the things you feel.

This is why; I talk about how the brain lives through your sense of feel for self on the inside and the outside of the body. I want to help you learn ways to improve your self-esteem. That is a sense of who you are: to live through a sense of feel for self, you learn the body and the brain. Like when your sense of feel for self, moves through four stages to live, to learn, to think, and to respond to contact; interaction; cooperation; and participation. Your sense of feel for self, may grow. In step one, the sense path feels for contact. In step two, the receive path feels for interaction. In step three, the transfer to feelings of self for cooperation. In step four, the process for signs of care to participate.

In each step these are sense and receive path functions. In other words, they are the nerve cells with the job to move energy, action, and feelings through the nervous system to create a sense of feel for self and the brain. Hence, your sense of feel for self may be the basis through which the brain works to live; learn; think; and respond through feelings of contact, interaction, and cooperation, and participation. You may learn what emotion feels like. In other words, this is how you will assess your sense and receive path functions to learn how well you transfer brain, body, and sense events to perform through feelings of emotion.

The way you help to improve your sense of feel for self is through the choice to learn how brain, body, and sense events connect to the nervous system. You need to know, how sense and receive path functions turn out to be focused connections for the Brain’s Body. This is the sense through which, the brain acts in the lead of the body to structure sense and receive path functions, as nerve cells of the nervous system. The brain is the body.

Why The Brain’s Body and Dr. Slaton Live™ This book will help you, set up your sense of feel for self and your brain. In real time, the brain needs to be informed. At the breath of life, your sense of self is in a state of growing aware of your brain. This is why; self-leadership may be an inside out study of self that I will link to the brain through the brain’s body.  What is in the lead of your body? Is your body in the lead of you? Making sense of the brain’s body is a process of giving meaning to what you are; who you are; when you are; where you are; how you are; and why you are on the inside out of the body.

In this book, I advance the way I talk to the brain to help people understand the roles of a sense of self, to a functional leader. For example, when I talk about the act to inform the brain, I mean that through the use of self-research the reader ought to be able to assess my words. Such as, that my brain, body, and sense events make up the human system. The brain is the nervous system that runs throughout the entire body. The body is the physical structure of the brain’s operating systems. The senses are the nerve cells of the brain. This is why, the brain needs to be able to act in the lead of body, so you may learn how to use your senses. 

Your senses are also known as the social organs of the brain. This is why; I talk about how the brain lives through contact, learns through interaction, thinks through cooperation, and responds through participation. Sense and receive functions work with brain, body, and sense events to transfer the neurologic process that improves the inner and outer skills to manage the flow of energy; control the flow of action; and focus the flow of feelings through the brain’s body.

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