
Decoding the Mystery of the Difficult, High Need, and Troubled Child

Brain’s Body Podcast: Episode 090223

Our education system often labels certain children as “difficult” or “troubled”. Traditional methods of engagement and support seem to fall short for these children. This begs the question – are we missing something? Could the answers lie within their brains and their sense of feel? Our latest podcast episode delves into this complex issue, exploring the often-overlooked aspect of a child’s ability to choose not to participate in traditional diagnostics and how this impacts their learning and development.

Drawing from my 2016 Education and Science book, we journey into the realm of human system science, where we learn how to decode the sense of feel for a child and their brain. It’s an enlightening exploration into strategies that can reestablish the flow of emotion, thought, and reflection, bridging gaps in social cognitive states. This episode provides valuable insights into making contact with these children, fostering cooperation, and ultimately aiding in their learning and development.

The first chapter discusses how diagnostics can be applied to the “difficult, troubled and high need” child. It stresses the importance of recognizing a child’s sense of feel and their ability to choose not to participate in diagnostics. The episode underscores the necessity for parents, teachers, and health and human service professionals to practice teaching these children how to make contact, look for feelings of care, and connect the child to their brain.

The following chapter dives into the task of decoding the sense of feel for self and the brain. It discusses how the flow of emotion, thought, and reflection can be reorganized and reestablished to bridge the gap in social cognitive states. It provides a thorough examination of the sense path and received path functions that help the child learn to feel contact and interact in a cooperative manner.

This podcast episode calls for a revolution in the way we approach the support of our children, youth, and young adults moving through the school system. It challenges us to shift our perspective and make room for understanding the neurological and emotional terrain that these children navigate. By focusing on their brains and feelings, we can redefine child support and provide the necessary foundation for their successful development and growth.
Remember, the brain must be in the lead of our discovery. We must shift our focus from the body to the brain, as the brain controls the body. By understanding and addressing the complexities of the brain, we can revolutionize our approach to child support and create an environment that fosters successful learning and development for all children.






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